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Dolla Cantik - Cool Slimming Massage Gel

Dolla Cantik. Gel kecantikan, kesihatan & pembakar lemak Paling Laris Dalam Pasaran. Dipercayai berkesan sejak tahun 1997
RM 60.00
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Dragon's Blood - Beauty Sleep Serum

RM 50.00
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Ves Breast Pump

Ves Breast Pump merupakan inovasi teknologi terkini khas buat para wanita. Ia merupakan penyelesaian yang paling lengkap dan berkesan untuk semua wanita. Rasailah ketenangan, keseronokan dan kegembiraan ketika menggunakan Ves Breast Pump ini. Penggunaan secara teratur, berdisiplin dan mengikut cara yang betul akan memberikan kesan pembesaran, memontokkan dan menghasilkan payudara yang amat mengiurkan.
RM 200.00
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Mystique Swiss - Haruman Pemikat Lelaki

MYSTIQUE SWISS adalah copulins untuk memikat lelaki. Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui, pheromones adalah hormon yang dapat memikat manusia.
RM 70.00


Harga Biasa RM159
1 Botol RM70
2 Botol RM130
Poslaju Percuma 
Penghantaran Tunai (COD) + RM10

MYSTIQUE SWISS adalah copulins untuk memikat lelaki. Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui, pheromones adalah hormon yang dapat memikat manusia.
Manusia terpikat antara satu sama lain bergantung kepada faktor pheromones. Jika anda mempunyai aura aroma hormon yang unik, anda pasti dapat membuat sesiapa sahaja jatuh cinta pada anda. Gunakan kuasa hormon ini untuk memikat lelaki yang anda cintai. Semua lelaki akan cair dengan bau anda!
Pheromones adalah sel hormon yang hanya boleh dikesan oleh organ yang terdapat di pangkal hidung yang dinamakan VNO (Vomeronasal). Apabila organ VNO tersebut mengesan kehadiran pheromones,ianya seterusnya akan menghantar respon seksual signal ke otak seterusnya membuatkan orang yang berada berdekatan persekitaran anda menjadi lebih positif dan lebih mesra
Manfaat dari penggunaan Mystique Swiss:
++  Lebih Eye Contact dari senyuman lelaki
++  Lelaki akan terpesona dengan daya memikat anda.
++  Heigten Love Making Prowess
++  Expect More Dates & Better Still – More Sex (yang dah berkahwin je la )
++  Lelaki sentiasa mahu bersembang dengan anda.
++  Meningkatkan “Self Confidence” si pemakai.
++  Mendapat lebih “respect” Dari wanita lain.
++  Lebih success dalam perniagaan dan perhubungan seharian.
Cubalah… Anda pasti teruja!!!

Mystique Swiss  adalah hormon pemikat lelaki yang paling kuat pernah dihasilkan oleh makmal. Ia diselidik saintis selama 20 tahun dalam kajian pengasingan bahan aktif Copulins dan 2 tahun dalam membina teknologi canggih yang selamat dan efektif.
Mystique Swiss  adalah jauh lebih hebat berbanding mana-mana produk wangian pemikat dan penggoda lelaki. Produk Mystique Swiss telah membuktikan – dalam kajian yang dilakukan ke atas manusia – ia memiliki kesan pemikat dan penggoda yang 5 kali lebih kuat berbanding lain-lain produk yang berada di pasaran. Mystique Swiss bertindak secara pantas dengan menghantar signal ke bahagian VNO (saraf pengesan hidung) manusia dan mengaktifkan deria bau dan sel otak tanpa menganggu sistem pernafasan dan tanpa menganggu emosi.
Ia menghantar signal dan aura pemikat yang menggoda, seterusnya menangkap perhatian orang sekeliling anda dengan efektif sekali. Manusia yang terhidu hormon copulins ini akan berasa tenang, aman, konfiden, seronok dan bersikap lebih positif. Kajian juga menunjukkan lelaki yang terhidu Mystique Swiss akan menjadi sedikit ghairah.
Perhatian; Hormon Copulins Mystique Swiss yang diperlukan untuk memikat dan menggoda lelaki haruslah berkuasa, agar berkesan dan bertindakbalas terhadap lelaki! Dapatkan Mystique Swiss kerana dos hormon yang terkandung di dalamnya sangatlah kuat.
Mystique Swiss Copulins berbeza dari lain-lain jenama kerana ia dihasilkan untuk memikat lelaki. Ujian yang dilakukan ke atas lelaki mendapati 97% lelaki akan teringat-ingat bau hormon unik ini. 95% lelaki mengingati baunya, 99% lelaki sukakan baunya. Kami mendapati lelaki akan ingat dan kenali baunya kerana signal hormon copulins telah mengaktifkan deria ke-enam dengan sempurna.
Selain itu lelaki terdorong untuk jatuh cinta kepada pemakai Mystique Swiss Copulins kerana beranggapan pemakai Mystique Swiss Copulins punyai sifat keibuan yang tinggi. Wanita yang menggunakan Mystique Swiss Copulins tidak kira usia, atau paras rupa akan dapat memikat lelaki kerana hormon Copulins yang terkandung di dalamnya.
Ia bagai menyampaikan mesej kepada deria ke-enam lelaki bahawa anda adalah seorang calon yang sesuai untuk menjadi ibu kepada keturunan lelaki tersebut secara biologi. Ini yang sering diperkatakan keserasian (chemistry).
Mystique Swiss Copulins akan membuatkan anda dianggap serasi dan sesuai menjadi ibu kepada anak-anak lelaki yang ingin anda pikat, atas dasar hormon yang anda miliki adalah dari genetik yang terbaik, dan anda sesuai dijadikan (induk) atau ibu kepada keturunannya.
Mahukah Anda;
Memikat & Menggoda Lelaki Idaman Anda
Membuatkan Semua Lelaki Berasa Seronok Menghidu Bau Anda
Menjadikan Lelaki Ghairah dan Senang Mendekati Anda
Meningkatkan Hormon Pemikat Secara Efektif & Cepat
Memiliki Daya Memikat Yang Tiada Tandingan
Mempunyai Aura Positif Yang Mampu Dirasai Ketika Bersama Rakan & Teman

Mystique Swiss Copulins adalah hormon jenis gel yang digunakan secara luaran untuk meningkatkan daya tarikan anda terhadap lelaki. Ia merupakan senjata kimia untuk memikat malah ia mampu membuatkan setiap orang yang berada berdekatan dengan anda merasa tenang.
Mystique Swiss Copulins adalah satu-satunya hormon yang dicipta khusus untuk golongan wanita berkerjaya yang sering menemui ramai orang. Beribu-ribu wanita di seluruh dunia telah ketahui hakikat bahawa, dunia moden ini penuh cabaran dan harus dilalui dengan menggunakan teknologi hormon yang sofistikated. Pengguna-pengguna Mystique Swiss COpulins sangat sukakan hasilnya. Ia adalah keperluan asas yang perlu dimiliki dalam kehidupan sosial yang mencabar abad ini.

Produk pemikat dan peningkat aura positif semakin mendapat sambutan kerana, ia semakin diperlukan atas beberapa faktor;
1. Kes Penceraian Yang Semakin Ketara
2. Kedinginan Seks Suami-Isteri
3. Pergaulan dan Persekitaran Tempat Kerja Yang Negatif
4. Keharmonian Rumahtangga
Jadi dengan menggunakan Mystique Swiss Copulins ini;
1. Bos Akan Lebih Sukakan Anda
2. Rakan Sejawat Anda Akan Bersikap Lebih Positif Dan Terbuka
3. Menyemarakkan Kasih Sayang Suami & Kekasih Terhadap Anda
4. Pelanggan Yang Sering Anda Temui Akan Merasa Lebih Tenang, Aman & Seronok.
Aturcara Penggunaan;
Kenakan Pada Pakaian atau Pada Kulit (nadi). Kesan Hormon Mystique Swiss Copulins akan bertahan selama enam jam. Gunakanlah sekerap yang mungkin iaitu ketika anda ingin menemui orang tersayang, rakan-rakan, bos pejabat atau pelanggan anda. Kami pasti anda akan menawan hati semua orang yang berada disamping anda.
Hormon Copulins yang kami gunakan adalah jenis sintetik yang dihasilkan di makmal menggunakan teknologi sains. Ia tidak mengandungi bahan-bahan berunsurkan haiwan. Setiap kandungan menggunakan bahan berasaskan tumbuh-tumbuhan, jadi ianya amat bersih dan sesuai untuk semua golongan.
Sekiranya anda percaya bahawa Mystique Swiss Copulins perlu anda miliki dan guna sekarang. Ambil langkah pertama anda dengan membuat pesanan secara online hari ini juga. Sekiranya anda tidak berpuashati dengan kesannya, bungkusannya, baunya, atau anda tidak berpuashati dengan apa jua sebab, kami akan pulangkan wang pembelian anda tanpa soal.
Jaminan pengembalian wang ini adalah sepanjang 30 hari. Ini bermakna anda ada peluang mencuba sendiri produk ini tanpa rasa was-was. Ingat! Jaminan pulangan wang kami adalah muktamad, dan anda berhak miliki pulangan wang tersebut tanpa sebarang soal.
Mystique Swiss Copulins sangat berkesan, dan ia telah diuji scara saintifik. Ia mampu memikat setiap lelaki yang terhidu hormon tersebut tanpa disedari
P.S – Mystique Swiss Copulin  bukanlah minyak pengasih yang berunsurkan kepada perkara negatif. Ia dicipta secara saintifik untuk meningkatkan keharmonian kehidupan berumah tangga dan meningkatkan keterampilan diri di dalam pergaulan bersama masyarakat.
P.S.S – Kesan keatas setiap individu adalah berbeza. ianya tidak mengandungi alkohol dan bahan yang berasaskan haiwan.
P.S.S.S – Kami telah beroperasi sejak dari tahun 2008 lagi dan telah menjual beribu botol Mystique Swiss  (kesemuanya selamat sampai ke tangan pembeli). Jadi anda tidak perlu takut atau ragu-ragu untuk berurusan dengan kami. Terima Kasih.

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The Keeper Cup - Menstrual Cup

The Original Keeper™ Period Cup (Menstrual Cup) is a Tampon Alternative, giving Women Menstrual Period Support Naturally.
RM 139.00

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Harga Biasa RM179
1 unit RM139
Poslaju Percuma 
Penghantaran Tunai (COD) KL + RM10


A brand new way to look at your period!

  • No leakage! No embarassment and stained clothes!
  • No need to buy sanitary pads! Save money!
  • No restriction on movement! Go swimming? No problem!*
  • No skin allergy issues or Toxic Shock Syndrome!
  • No waste! Save the environment!
  • reusable for many years
  • made with natural gum rubber
  • plastic-free
  • may be worn for up to 12 hours
  • trusted since 1987

The Original Keeper™ Period Cup (Menstrual Cup) is a Tampon Alternative, giving Women Menstrual Period Support Naturally

Don’t be fooled by fake cheap imitations that have absolutely no guarantee whatsoever!

‘The Keeper ™’ Menstrual Cup will not only save you money but it will also help save the environment as well !”

Dear Friend, If you’d like to stop wasting money on sanitary products, help save the environment by using a natural tampon alternative and have the convenience of not running out of sanitary products, then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read. We have been selling ‘The Keeper ™’ Period Cup for over 12 years and have many happy customers. ‘The Keeper™’ Menstrual Cup is an environmentally friendly and natural tampon alternative and a natural alternative to sanitary products. We will ship your ‘Keeper™’ Period Cup to you on the same day or next business day that you place your order. You will have your ‘Keeper™’ within a couple of days or less than a week if you are ordering from Overseas. Now, I know you’re probably skeptical. That’s normal and healthy, but please read on:

Three Reasons To Believe What I Say

Reason one: We at adamdanhawa2u.com pride ourselves on giving the best possible customer service and promise to get your product to you quickly.
Reason two: I used ‘The Keeper ™’ menstrual cup myself for over 10 years and once I got used to it I would not be without it.
Reason three: While ‘The Keeper ™’ Period Cup is relatively new to most parts of the world it has been sold in the USA for over 20 years and is listed with the TGA in Australia (Therapeautic Goods Administration).

Here is a summary of the benefits of using ‘The Keeper ™’ period cup

Tampons AlternativeA Natural Tampon Alternative
The Keeper™’ menstrual cup is a natural tampon alternative – one woman throws away about 10,000 pads or tampons in her life
 Saves you Money
You will not need to buy other sanitary products saving you hundreds of dollars in the long run !
 Environmentally Friendly
Think of the number of tampons that you will NOT have to throw away that ends up in landfill.
 Easy to Use
‘The Keeper™’ period cup is much like wearing a tampon – it is easily inserted by folding the cup vertically. First time users may be slightly aware of its presence, but once accustomed to using ‘The Keeper™’ Menstrual Cup you wouldn’t live without it !
 Made of Rubber
‘The Keeper™’ menstrual cup is made from natural gum rubber, as opposed to silicone – a synthetic man-made material.
 Reduces the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome
Toxic Shock Syndrome is linked to absorbency and still causes the occasional death. For this reason the use of least absorbent products (such as ‘The Keeper ™’ period cup) is recommended
 No more running out of Sanitary Products
You don’t have to worry about rushing down to the shop to get more tampons or sanitary pads
 You don’t have to carry your Handbag to the Toilet when you have your period
No-one needs to know you have your period
 Can hold up to 30ml of Your Menstrual Flow
Generally you only need to empty it a few times a day and ‘The Keeper ™’ period cup can be worn for up to 12 hours and even overnight

Let me explain…

‘The Keeper ™’ menstrual cup is a small, soft rubber cup, worn internally like a tampon, to collect the monthly flow. As it holds up to 30mls, emptying the cup a few times a day is usually adequate. It has a life expectancy of up to 10 years. Besides reducing waste, it is the most economical and carefree method of menstrual hygiene. After only seven months your ‘Keeper ™’ menstrual cup will have paid for itself ! No more monthly costs !! We offer a three month money back guarantee (less postage & handling) so you have nothing to lose by trying this far better solution. ‘The Keeper ™’ period cup is light and takes up little space, making it ideal for travelling, especially when tampons and pads are hard to get or unavailable. You can keep ‘The Keeper ™’ Menstrual Cup at home or in your handbag. Some women buy a spare one so that they can leave one at the office or in the car. To care for your ‘Keeper ™’ – just wash your hands with clean water before handling ‘The Keeper™’. When emptying ‘The Keeper ™’ period cup simply rinse in clean water and re-insert. At the end of your period, wash ‘The Keeper ™’ menstrual cup in hot soapy water (no need to boil), dry thoroughly and place in the convenient storage pouch.

Don’t take my word for it. Listen to what some of our customers say about The Keeper™ Menstrual Cup.

  • “Just a quick note to let you know that I’m really happy with my new Keeper™ – it’s so comfortable and practical. Thank you for making this product available to women ! (Helen, Subiaco, WA)
  • “The Keeper™ is practical, saves money and is absolutely invaluable when you are travelling … I went backpacking through the highly environmentally sensitive “Walls of Jerusalem” in Tasmania. All rubbish has to be taken out and dumped and I was so relieved I didn’t have to spend the week lugging soiled sanitary wear around with me. Its essential if you’re doing a long trip overseas to remote areas where sanitary protection is expensive and/or unavailable.”(Beverley, Sydney, NSW)
  • “Initially, it took some getting used to, as it was a completely alien concept with regards to the insertion method and product material. I also found it sometimes painful to pull out, but once I had practiced it became easier. Consequently, once I had overcome these 2 factors I became really happy that I bought it. From an environmental perspective, the Keeper™ is a wonderful innovation and thus it should receive more publicity. With thanks.” (Kate, Wangaratta, VIC)
  • “Thanks for a great product, I was a bit sceptical at first but now I would not be without my ‘Keeper™’. I constantly recommend it to my friends and it saves me a lot of money. My periods are irregular so when I think they are about due and I have to go out then I use my ‘Keeper™’. No more wasting money on tampons ‘waiting’ for my period to come.” (Debbie, Willunga SA)
  • “What an excellent product, saves me money, saves the environment and I don’t have to wrap tampons anymore (I live in the country with a septic system). To be honest I was not real sure that it would be easy to use but after only a few days I feel very comfortable using my cup.” (Jenny, Tully QLD)

Warning: Do NOT buy any Period Cup unless it meets the following criteria

You will save the cost of the Keeper™ many times over!

Most women spend at least double the price of ‘The Keeper™’ Menstrual Cup in one year on sanitary products – some even more than this if they have a heavy flow. After only seven months or less you will have saved the money you paid for your ‘Keeper™’

In summary, here’s what you get:

One ‘The Keeper™’soft rubber period cup
One material pouch to put your ‘The Keeper™’ in
Instructions on how to use the ‘The Keeper™’
Fast, efficient service and delivery
What Style Keeper Cup do I buy, A or B ?
Style A
for women who have had vaginal childbirth, anytime OR for all women over 30 years old
Style B
for everyone else, including women who have had a caesarean section

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my keeper cup last ?
The Keeper TM has a life expectancy of 10 years. Usage, handling and your body chemistry will influence your cup’s life span.Is the keeper cup expensive ?
Most women spend at least double the price of ‘The Keeper™’ Menstrual Cup in one year on sanitary products – some even more than this if they have a heavy flow. After only seven months or less you will have saved the money you paid for your ‘Keeper™’What is the keeper made of ?
The Keeper™’ menstrual cup is made from natural gum rubber, as opposed to silicone – a synthetic man-made material.What size keeper cup do I buy, A or B ?

never given birthcaesarean sectiongiven vaginal birth
under 30 years of age
over 30 years of age
How do you use the Keeper?
Wash your Keeper thoroughly with hot soapy water before the first use and rinse in a vinegar water solution. (One tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of water). Always wash your hands well before & after handling The KeeperTM and use drinking quality water when cleaning.
Step 1) – Hold Hold between thumb and fore-finger and squeeze the cup together
Step 2) – Fold Hold the folded sides between your thumb and forefinger with the curve facing down.
Step 3) – Insert While sitting on the toilet or squatting, relax your muscles and separate your labia with your free hand, then insert the folded cup completely into your vagina, the curved side first.
Release your grip from the cup and it will unfold.
Trim the stem to a comfortable length. If the tab is located between your labia, you will have to trim it so that no part is outside your vagina.
Cut the tab a little at a time until you find a comfortable length. When inserted properly the cup should not cause any discomfort.
N.B. Guarantee is void if stem is completely removed. You may wish to lightly moisten the rim with clean water, too much will cause leakage.
The cup follows the natural slant of the vagina. The Keeper does not touch the cervix , but rests comfortably below it.

Step 4) – Remove While sitting on the toilet, push your cup towards the vaginal opening using your stomach muscles. Then relax and grasp the tab firmly with your fingers. Pull your cup down so you can grip the bottom of the cup. Pinch gently to release the seal. Slowly pull the cup down while moving from side to side. Removal is more comfortable if the cup is brought out one side first followed by the other. Ensure you keep the cup upright to avoid spillage. Rinse your Keeper with clean water or wipe with a wet tissue before re-inserting. If you are in a public toilet, you may wish to take a small bottle of drinking water with you to rinse your cup. A few sheets of toilet paper dropped into the bowl before emptying your cup will avoid residue in the toilet bowl.
How do you clean the Keeper Cup?
At the end of your period rinse The Keeper TM in cold water then wash in hot soapy water. Consider using a little brush to clean the rim. Ensure the tiny holes around the rim are kept clean. You will achieve this by soaking your Keeper in hot water for a few minutes, and then squeeze the cup in the water to create water flow through the holes. This will also keep the inside of the stem clean. Consider using a small pin to keep the holes clear. Soak The Keeper TM again for 5 minutes in water that has just boiled – (not boiling) and then rinse with a vinegar solution – (one tablespoon per cup of water). Dry thoroughly and store in pouch provided.

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